Rail Biking in Catskills, NY

I found rail biking through an add on Facebook. It looked like a lot of fun and decided to go with my cousins. What they do is use old train tracks and build these bikes that can be ridden on the tracks. It is definitely different but you also get to see different sceneries and are able to take your time and suck it all in.

Rail Explorers


One of the coolest things about this trip was using the railroad crossing. Typically it is used for trains to cross the street but this time it was used for us to cross the street.


You’re rail biking along a river for most of it and is breathtaking. At the end of the first two miles you can take a 15 minute break while they turn the rail bikes around for you to head back to the base. There are some seating areas so bring some water and snacks to enjoy at this time.